Rail Fence

a blue rail fence quilt is held up in a snowy garden

Hello lovely readers - it's been a while, hasn't it?  I hope you're all still hanging in there and you have my deepest sympathy for any losses this past year.  I'm still here, but I've been busy and stressed, none of which make for productive sewing time, and I've shied away from blogging because of… Continue reading Rail Fence

A night sky quilt for Evelyn

Hawthorne Supply Co Celestial wholecloth quilt

Oh hey there!  So I finished something, and it's only a year late, which is good.  It's a wholecloth quilt for our god-daughter, who we don't see as much as we'd like (they live quite a way away), so it's lovely to make her something she'll hopefully have for a while.   No full-length shots, as… Continue reading A night sky quilt for Evelyn

Completed: Red, White and Blue Quilt, plus celebratory giveaway!

Happy Bank Holiday everyone!  In true British holiday style, it's so cold and wet that if I had a stove, I would be in front of it wrapped in a blanket.  I really wish I was, you guys... This project has a long and complicated back-story, as I shilly-shally-ed for ages about what to make… Continue reading Completed: Red, White and Blue Quilt, plus celebratory giveaway!