Snake Trail Crib Quilt

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve still been making, but I just haven’t made the time to post. Plus Bloglovin’ disappeared, which pulled the rug out from under me a bit – I really loved following other blogs through it and now I’m stuck with Instagram, which let’s face it, is shit. I need to get my act together and sort out a new blog reader so I can get back to following the content and makers I love.

Anyway, here’s a thing I made that I’m very proud of! I used the Snake Path templates from Denyse Schmidt’s ‘Modern Quilts, Traditional Inspiration‘, which is a book I love. I’m currently making a fourth quilt from it, and I expect to make them all in the end, the quilts really strike a chord with me. I love traditional quilt designs as well as ‘modern’ quilts – personally I find the distinction a little odd, as if you look at historic quilts nothing is really new. Sensibilities change over time, for sure, but I find the quilts I most love to make are ones which honour the origins of the craft in some way.

I’m crazy about this quilt, and I’d definitely make one for me in the future, this one was a gift for a dear baby. Rachel at Stitched in Color quilted it with a continuous-8 pattern, and as always I love the result. I wanted it to be robust enough to stand up to use and laundering, so the quilting is perfect, and I also machine-stitched the binding on. I’ve always hand-stitched binding in the past, and I was a bit worried I wouldn’t like the look of the visible stitching, but actually I quite like it. I’m definitely going to do it again for quilts in heavy use, as I do have to repair the binding quite often of some of ours.

I like to use up leftover blocks and cut-off edges from previous quilts in the backing, and I feel like this all came together well. Look at the little elephants!

Anyway, welcome back, thanks for reading, and I’ll see you soon,


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